Has your teen or tween got the creative spark? Here’s why you should fan the flame and encourage them to create.

It’s tough being a tween and teen these days. Forget the pimples and peer pressure we faced when we were their age (most of which I’ve forcibly blocked out, tbh). Kids these days – my own tween included! – not only have to navigate their overwhelming journey of self-discovery under social media’s ever-watchful and eternally judgmental eyes, but they’re also expected to side-step all the risks that come with growing up online … amidst pandemics, global warming and toilet paper shortages, nonetheless!

It’s a lot. And the emotional wear and tear is starting to show, with Beyond Blue and Headspace revealing that:

  • Half of all the mental health conditions we experience at some point in our lives will have started by age 14.
  • Almost one-fifth of all young people aged 11 to 17 years, experience high or very high levels of psychological distress.
  • Suicide continues to be the leading cause of death for young Australians.
  • 50% of young people reported that COVID-19 has had an impact on their confidence with achieving future goals.

And while we can gift our kids with clothes, phones and stuff that will make them feel awesome on the outside, it won’t truly help them on the inside.

We need to dive deeper and, when we spot something intrinsically meaningful (like a creative spark!) we need to actively open up as many opportunities as possible for them to explore their talents.

Which is where supporting their spark comes in.


Author, parenting educator and all-around amazing human, Maggie Dent speaks about supporting teens to “find their spark”.

She talks about when a teen finds something that excites them, and when they tap into it, they feel a certain energy and a drive, and that this has such a positive flow on affect in all areas of their life.

She referred to Peter Benson in saying: “Every teenager has a spark – something that is good, beautiful and useful to the world. Sparks illuminate a young person’s life and give it energy and purpose.

For some, this spark might be horse-riding while for others it might be breeding sea monkeys. Their spark might also show up in the form of fishing, footy, streaming, gaming, yoga, painting, cooking or making music. There are an unlimited number of pathways for a spark to ignite (and a tween/teen may have multiple sparks!)

As the creator of So Mad About Design, you probably already know I’m a BIG supporter of sparks. And I truly believe we need to help guide our tweens/teens to find their spark, and if creativity is it, then good news: You’re in the right place to educate yourself on how to support them!

(Psst – Speaking of which, make sure you read ‘til the end, because I have a special freebie designed to help you begin nurturing your teen/tweens creative gifts.)

Because the truth is that once your teen is supported to follow their creative spark, they’re so much better equipped to grow and become the human they want to be in the future.

Sure, their spark might not be something that becomes their career on in ten years’ time, but if it brings meaning to their life right now, it’s more than enough reason to invest in it.

After all, spending time on your hobbies makes you feel good. And, sometimes as a teenager, that’s just what their brain needs. (Btw, if you’re interested in learning how the brain develops through the teenage years, read this article.)

Showing your teen and tween that you believe in them and are willing to support their spark will also give them the confidence to continue pursuing their passions. That spark will act as a wildfire; spreading to touch the other areas of their life to gift it with greater meaning and joy.

It may take time, but as Maggie Dent reinforces, it will absolutely be worth it. By being interested and motivated by something, your teen is discovering how to learn, building a sense of self, and experiencing what it’s like to succeed. These are fundamental experiences that will support them in navigating the world as a happy, healthy and resilient human.

And our job as parents is to help them find that passion so they can follow their spark and see their true potential.

But, uh, don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry – I’ve got you!

Grab my free Creative Spark resource sheet below and I’ll show you my easy go-to solutions for inspiring and igniting your teen and tween’s creativity.